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Let’s Read in English – Reading outdoors

When the weather is sunny and warm why not read outside.

As an English teacher I believe reading should be fun and take place in unexpected places. Therefore, last Friday class A of the seventh grade read a short story under a tree.

Students sat outside in groups and read about a mother who gets her son to face his fear of water and swim in the sea. This short story seemed appropriate given that we are currently dealing with the theme: family.

Some groups decided to read silently while others read aloud. Those who had some difficulties with unknown words were free to exchange ideas within their group or to ask for my help.

Once all the groups had read the story it was discussed freely. When asked what they thought of the short story, most said it was touching because it portrayed a mother’s love for her child. Besides stating what they thought of the story students answered some questions.

This outdoor reading experience confirmed that reading short stories in English is a great way for students to acquire new vocabulary, improve fluency and enhance comprehension skills while enjoying the outdoors.

Written by: Carla Seixas (English teacher)

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